Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Week 3 Part 2: Blogging Blog

The blog I decided to highlight is the blog "Undressed Skeleton". This blog is written by a girl names Taralynn who lost a lot of weight and she shows girls how she did it. Taralynn moved a lot growing up and gained a lot of weight as the result. She was unhappy with herself and one day decided to change it. When she was doing this, she blogged about what she ate, how she exercised, and made it fun. She has a bunch of recipes on her blog that are good and heathy. She even includes a section on what to get when you go out to eat. I would categorize this blog as a health blog. The blog is very organized and she has her blogs cut up in different categories such as lunch, dinner, snacks, etc. There is a lot going on in the blog and I think that there could be a little less but overall it is pretty easy to follow. I have used her blog many a time for healthy recipes to make! <-- there is the link to the blog!

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